Monday, 10 January 2011

Keeping me in check

It's not that I don't know I need to jeans let me know every time I put them on. But there is someone else in my family that puts pressure on me....not my hubby or my daughter but my dog Sophie.
You see her here waiting...
The second you put on sweats or sneakers she grabs a toy and heads for the basement door! We have a workout room in our basement equipped with just about everything you need. Here's where the pressure comes in...sometime I just wear sweats or sneakers just because they are comfortable! Sophie carries her toy around waiting to go downstairs and workout! I look at her and say I'm not working out stop pressuring me! Or not today Sophie! 
So far Sophie has gotten her workout in I'm 2 for 2 so far this week! Woot Woot! 


  1. you go girl! my dogs do the same thing..if i put on a certain jacket and boots they KNOW they are going for a walk...i have to be very sneaky if that is not my plan!

  2. Oh, she is so SWEET! My dogs do the same thing to me, but I don't have a workout room and it is just to darn COLD to jog outside right now!! :(

    Good for you on 2 for 2!

  3. I have the same four legged task master!
    Keep up the good work!

  4. I mean the "good walk" woof! :)

  5. Jack is the same way! I have a post planned like this one too. He sits right my the treadmill as I workout and doesn't move.

  6. I think everyone needs a dog to keep them in line. Bo is the same way! The other day I was had to take a potty break and had the treadmill on pause- I came back to him ON the treadmill. Dang I should have kept it running so he could help increase the numbers!!! xo

  7. Good for you! I need a dog :). Jeans feel a tad snug--just a tad ;)
