Wednesday, 9 February 2011

One of my Face book friends posted this yesterday. I'm not sure if they are her words or someone else's but they spoke to me.

"Each time you are honest and conduct yourself with honesty, a success force will drive you toward greater success. Each time you lie, even with a little white lie, there are strong forces pushing you toward failure".

In this journey of mine I'm trying to improve on my lifestyle making it a healthy one. It's a tough one....lots of steps forward and many steps backwards...some success and lots of failure. 

I'm finding for me after many years doing weight watchers, calorie counting and various other means of losing weight looking back to what worked. I think tracking is the only way to keep me in check and make sure I'm eating the right stuff, plus my Boot Camp trainer can look and pick apart my journal. With this said, the FB quote spoke to me. On Monday I thought okay back to My Fitness and track, track,track! So I input my exercise and my water intake and tracked my meals! Woo Hoo by the looks of it I was having a successful day! Or was I? I totally had 4 cookies and only tracked 2 I know...big fat liar! But I didn't need to hear my trainer tell me cookies are a no no! Hello I freaking know my mind I knew I had banked to calories and was still in check....but seriously who am I fooling! 

Being honest with yourself and others plus being real is what this journey is all about....! 

So yea Monday I thought I did good but in the back of my mind I knew 4 cookies....were in my belly! Yesterday I tracked an honest cookies! All good choices and it felt good to be honest and truthful to myself.


  1. I love the quote too! Honesty is the best policy. We sometimes fall, but we just need to get right back up. I struggle with all of this too. I try to remind myself the world wasn't created in one day. xo

  2. Feeling good about yoursef, isn't that the whole point?

  3. Being honest (even to ourselves) is tough sometimes. Good luck!

    This is my first time here. I LOVE that header shot-WOW!

  4. Reminds me of Flip Wilson and "The devil made me do it!"
    Yes - honesty is the best policy! It is that devil that teases us over to the cheating side! Temptation is cruel.
